Photos of the Week - Easter Parade Diversions - 4th April 2010:

Couldn't decide on a photo of the week this time, so its a bumper edition. Happy Easter!

Harristown's Wright Eclipse Gemini bodied Volvo B9TL, VG31, seen operating Route 13 turning from Eden Quay to O'Connell Bridge while on diversion due to the closure of O'Connell Street because of the Easter Parade festivities on the 4th April 2010.

Donnybrook's Alexander Dennis ALX400 bodied Volvo B7LDD, AX638, operating Route 46A turing from Marlborough Street to Eden Quay on the 4th April 2010 while on diversion due to the Easter Parade.

The Easter Rising of 1916 in Dublin is one of the most significant events in the founding of the Irish Free State. On Easter Monday 1916, the rebels occupied many important Dublin landmarks such as the General Post Office and The Four Courts. With the Tri-colour raised above the G.P.O, Padraig Pearse proclaimed the Irish Republic. What followed was a bloody battle which left much of the city centre in ruins. The British with artillery placed in Phibsborough and Trinity College Dublin, and the Battle Ship Helga in the Liffey, bombarded the rebels. Pearse formerly surrendered to the British six days later.

In order to mark this important historical event a Military parade takes place annually attended by the President and the Taoiseach. The Parade takes place on O'Connell Street with a ceremony outside the GPO. At the ceremony, the tri-colour is lowered and the Proclomation of Independence is read out. The parade had been dropped for around 30 years, but was brought back in 2006 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the rising.

O'Connell Street is thus closed for traffic until mid-afternoon on Easter Sunday until the ceremony is over and the street has been cleared. Buses that would normally use O'Connell Street are diverted away. This year the diversions were Parnell Square East, Parnell Street, Marlborough Street, Eden Quay, O'Connell Bridge for soutbound buses and O'Connell Bridge, Eden Quay, Beresford Place, Gardiner Street, Parnell Street, Parnell Square West for northbound buses.

Alexander ALX400 bodied Volvo B7TL, AV20, is seen operating Route 2 to Belfield on the 4th April 2010.

Alexander Dennis ALX400 bodied Volvo B7LDD, AX647, is seen operating Route 46A to Dún Laoghaire, taking a different routing to most 46A's operating via Memorial Bridge, George's Quay and Burgh Quay, on the 4th April 2010.

The 1916 rebels were marked in transporting terms in 1966 when CIE renamed all their major stations after the 16 men who were executed by the British. This was done to comemorate the 50th Anniversary of the rising. The following is a list:

  • Pearse Station (formerly Westland Row) - named after Padraig Pearse, commander of the 1916 Rebellion who occupied the GPO and read the Proclamation of the Independence. Its also named after his brother Willie Pearse. Both had been born close to Westland Row hence its choice.
  • Connolly Station (formerly Amiens Street) - named after James Connolly, commander of the 1916 Rebellion whose forces took City Hall and the GPO. Amiens Street was chosen due to its proximity to Liberty Hall.
  • Heuston Station (formerly Kingsbridge) - named after Sean Heuston, whose D-Company of 1st Battalion seized the Mendicity Institution building, an old Dublin Charity directly opposite the Four Courts on the south quays. Kingsbridge was chosen because Heuston had worked there as a railway clerk.
  • Daly Station (also known as Bray) - named after Commandant Ned Daly who led the 1st Battalion who seized Dublin's Four Courts building.
  • Mallin Station (also known as Dún Laoighaire) - named after Commandant Michael Mallin whose forces took St. Stephen's Green.
  • MacDonagh Station (Kilkenny) - named after Commandant Thomas MacDonagh whose forces seized the Jacob's Biscuit factory on Bishop Street.
  • Ceannt Station (Galway) - named after Commandant Eamonn Ceannt whose foces took the South Dublin Union.
  • Clarke Station (Dundalk) - names after Tom Clarke, President and Commander-in-chief, who was stationed in the GPO during the rebellion.
  • Mac Diarmada Station (Sligo) - named after Séan MacDermott, a member of the Military Committee of the IRB who planned the Rising, who was stationed in the GPO.
  • Plunkett Station (Waterford) - named after Joseph Plunkett, a member of the Military Committee of the IRB who planned the Rising, who was stationed in the GPO.
  • Kent Station (Cork), named after Thomas Kent, who was not ordered to take part in the Rising but was a prominent member of the IRB, but who was sentenced to death for the killing of an RIC policeman who were raiding his home.
  • MacBride Station (Drogheda) - named after John MacBride, second in command to Thomas MacDonagh.
  • Casement Station (Tralee) - named after Roger Casement, who organised the transportation of weapons on the Aud which was captured by the British Navy.
  • Colbert Station (Limerick) - named after Conn Colbert who fought at Watkin's Brewery, Jameson's Distillery and Marrowbone Lane during the 1916 rising. He was also the bodygaurd for Thomas Clarke before the event.
  • O'Hanrahan (Wexford) - named after Michael O'Hanrahan who fought at the Jacob's biscuit factory.

Its interesting to note that it the mid-60's there were no cross-city rail services with Amiens Street being used as the major terminal. Therefore during the renaming, Tara Street, now arguably one of the busiest of all Irish Rail's stations was not considered important enough to be renamed.

Alexander R bodied Volvo Olympian, RV639, turning off Eden Quay on the 4th April 2010 while operating Route 122 to Drimnagh.

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.