2023 - Update 12:
Clontarf's EV13 is seen operating Route 130 on Vernon Avenue on
the 27th March 2023 (click on photo for larger version).
Following on from our recent update of previously stored VTs returning to service in Phibsboro,
Clontarf has also had to restore to service some elderly EVs which
had been in store for some time. EVs restored are as follows:
Clontarf's EV12 is seen operating Route 130 on the 14th March
2023 (click on photo for larger version).
The reason for this has been the withdrawal from service of a number of SGs which have been transferred to Go-Ahead, namely:
Clontarf's EV19 is seen operating Route 130 having departed its
St. Patrick's Day temporary terminus of George's Quay on the 17th
March 2023 (click on photo for larger version).