Photo of the Week - Week 42:

Harristown's EV69 is seen in its new Deliveroo tri-sided wrap on Route 27B on Amiens Street on the 26th October 2019 (click on photo for larger version).

Deliveroo is a delivery service for restaurants and operates in about 200 cities worldwide. It was launched in Dublin in early 2015, but its prominance in Dublin has really grown since early 2019, with bikes heading in all directions around Dublin city centre. 2019 is seen as a year of major growth for Deliveroo, with the hope of increasing the number of restaurants on its platform by 66%. Marketing is a part of this, and they have taken out tri-sided adverts on some city buses, with Harristown's EV69 and Donnybrook's EV23 being so wrapped. They differ slightly, with EV69 having a burger on its offside, with a pizza on the nearside, whereas for EV23 it is the other way around. The advert is attractive, and they are a nice new addition to the city streets.

A rear shot of EV69 at the Eden Quay terminus of Route 27B on the 26th October 2019 (click on photo for larger version).

EV69 is often found on the peak hour Euro services from Harristown. On the 25th October, it was assigned to a morning 38B Euro. In the evening, it went out on the evening peak extra on the 27B, which does the 1655 from Eden Quay. However, it can stray from peak hour services, and it was out on the 27B on Saturday the 26th October. EV23 is often found on the 7s, however it unfortunately was not around on the 25th October for me to photograph, and Donnybrook have a strict no weekend policy for its Alexander buses (AX, EV, VT). So another visit to Dublin may be necessary soon.

Harristown's EV69 is seen on Route 27B at Donnycarney on the 25th October 2019 (click on photo for larger version).

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.