Photo of the Week - Week 33:

Donnybrook's EV100 is seen operating Route 155 at the Bray Station terminus on the 17th July 2020 (click on photo for larger version).

It came as a bit of a surprise that GT5 was recently taken out of its Creatives Against Covid advert, it having only been applied a relatively short period before. This comes in the context of a number of adverts that have hung on quite some time. AX462 has been going around with BooHoo adverts for a number of years now, the two 2019 Pride buses are still going strong, and EV100 is still on the streets in its Carroll's Meat advert. That said, it is not the only bus in the country in this advert, so it may well be a long running campaign. EV98 and EV100 are often seen operating the same route, though the route itself seems to vary, with Routes 7, 11, 54A and 155 being possible places for them to be found.

Donnybrook's EV98 is seen in its 2019 Pride advert operating Route 155 on the Dublin Road Bray on the 17th July 2020 (click on photo for larger version).

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.