Photo of the Week - Week 19:

Donnybrook's GT17 is seen at the Rialto terminus of Route 17 on the 23rd February 2013.

Its always nice to get a fleetnumber matching with a route number in a photo. Such an opportunity came along on the 23rd February this year when GT17 took a brief reprise from Monkstown duties to spend a day operating Route 17. GT17 was one of a few that took sometime to arrive in Donnybrook, along with GT19 and GT21. This resulted in GT51-53 being allocated to Donnybrook pending their arrival. GT17 entered service at the end of October, a number of weeks after the rest of the batch had been delivered.

GT17 is seen in blizzard conditions at Blackrock Station on the 23rd February 2013.

The last two weeks have shown that summer has arrived. That said an Irish summer. But looking at the shot above its hard to remember that it was only three months ago that protecting the lens from falling sleet was paramount to a good photo. Thankfully, for the past few weeks we are back to good old ephemeris planning. Any good photographer needs to have such a knowledge built in, knowing how the shadow of the sun changes throughout the day and how the shadow will fall at potential bus stops. The other great thing about summer, is it's not as cold as it was on the 23rd February last. Long may it last...

A reproduction of a famous C class photo, GT17 is seen posing on Clonmacnoise Road on the 23rd February 2013.

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.