2021 - Update 6:

Clontarf's EV78, the first TFI liveried EV, is seen operating Route 31A at Howth Summit on the 6th June 2021 (click on photo for larger version).

The last few weeks have been heavily focussed on Clontarf depot and the trend continues. The H-spine, and the launch of the Bus Connects network redesign is a pivotal moment for the bus services in the city, and Clontarf depot is front and centre in getting prepared. It was a surprise to many that some EVs will receive the TFI livery, given their age, however I would argue that the livery has turned out best on this class, especially the large black panel around the rear window which offsets the otherwise plain green. The USB symbol has come as standard on this livery, but not on this class of bus, being only available on newer SGs, so one would imagine this will be rectified.

A rear shot of EV78 at the Shielmartin Road terminus of Route 31A on the 6th June 2021 (click on photo for larger version).

EV78 at the Shielmartin Road terminus of Route 31A on the 6th June 2021 (click on photo for larger version).

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.