Photo of the Week - Week 2:

RV611 is seen operating Route 120 on Ashtown Road on the 11th April 2010 (click on photo for larger version).

A blast from the past with RV611. RV611 was delivered to Conyngham Road in December 1999. It was delivered in CitySwift livery and carried "Lucan Road 25A Flyer" branding. It transferred to Phibsborough in November 2004 as part of the Harristown opening fleet reorganisation. It was withdrawn from service in May 2009 as part of the large, cost-saving, fleet reduction initiated at this time, being placed into storage. The foresight of storing RV611, along with its counter parts RV612-616, soon reaped its rewards. With the collapse of the Malahide Viaduct in August 2009, and the need to implement a high frequency 33X, RV611-616 re-entered service from Broadstone to cover the VTs needed for the 33X. In March 2010, RV611 migrated to Phibsborough operating non-Euro services once more. It was withdrawn from service in Phibsborough at the end of June 2010, with summer service reductions, and didn't re-enter service. It went to Happy Al's in Birkenhead and was at least in service up to 2017 there, if not still in service (Registered OIG 5573).

RV611 is seen at the River Road terminus of Route 120 on the 11th April 2010 (click on photo for larger version).

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.