Photo of the Week - Week 34:

Ringsend's AX477 is seen operating Route 49 on the Bohernabreena Road on the 24th July 2011, a few months prior to the removal of these unique Bohernabreena diverted departures.

Route 49 is a very historic route, starting life out in 1925, the first year of DUTC bus operation, operating to Kimmage Cross Roads via Lower Kimmage Road. In 1928, the 49 was extended to Terenure for a brief period, before being further extended from Terenure to Tallaght after a short period of time. Shorts to Terenure were then renumbered 49A, though a year later these shorts only went to the KCR. The service to Bohernabreena began in 1932, initially numbered Route 50A (as were so many of Dublin's routes), before being renumbered Route 49A a short time later. The short workings to the KCR were then renumbered Route 54. It was 1939 before the 49/A were diverted away from the KCR, instead continuing down the Harold's Cross Road to Terenure, before continuing on their former alignments to Tallaght/Bohernadreena via the Firhouse Road. The Tallaght terminus at this time was in Tallaght Village, at the junction of Old Bawn Road and Main Street, at the Dragon Inn. To this day there is a green area in front of some cottages across from the Dragon Inn, the triangle of which the 49 used to turn about.

Former Ringsend RV448, for some time the oldest bus in the fleet, is seen operating Route 49 on O'Connell Bridge on the 22nd December 2010. The white coating of snow has turned to slush on the ground, however some bits of the white stuff are still perched around.

The 49/A were curtailed to operate from Terenure to Tallaght/Bohernabreena between 1943 and 1949, due to fuel/vehicle shortages during and after World War II. It must be noted that Tallaght was a rural village right up to the 1970s, before the massive housing project was undertaken. With the expansion of Tallaght, and the buliding of the Tallaght by-pass, the 49 terminus was moved slightly back further down Oldbawn road to where the shelter is outside of the furniture store close to the Tallaght By-Pass. This terminus was also used for a time by Routes 77A and 76. In the early 90s, the 49 was extended to The Square shopping centre, and the 203 was extended to Bohernabreena replacing Route 49A. The 203 would be cancelled in 1996, with the introduction of 49 services via Bohernabreena. It was also around this time that certain departures via Ballycullen Road were introduced, however these services did not loop back upon themselves to serve Ballycullen Avenue as per the current arrangement. After a few years, the route was consolidated, with all services going via Ballycullen Road, Drive and Avenue. It must also be remembered that the 49s looped up to the Woodstown Estate, prior to the introduction of Route 74 as an all day service, thus increasing the length of the route further. In November 2011, the 49 got a new clockface timetable as part of the Network Direct project. This saw the end of Bohernabreena services, and also the long-lived service to the Belgard Road (at this time numbered Route 49A). The final ammendment to Route 49, saw the long lived contra-flow terminus on Eden Quay (used from 1994 to 2012), vacated due to bridge building works, with a new terminus on Pearse Street being effective from the 8th January 2012.

For an excellent feature on Route 49, including a video of the Bohernabreena diversion, see

Ringsend's EV5 is seen on Pearse Street operating Route 49 on the first day of the Pearse Street terminus..

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.