Photo of the Week - Week 11:

Clontarf's SG42 is seen at the new DCU terminus of Route 104 on the 3rd April 2015..

The 104 is now into its 7th revision in a relatively short history. This time the change is minor, though potentially of great consequence. As of Sunday 29th March 2015, Route 104 was extended from its Shanard Road terminus to the DCU campus, where it shares a newly built terminus with Route 44. The terminus is located where the 44 has initially terminated following its extension, but the bay has been significantly expanded. The 104 timetable has been slighly tweeked, with a noticeable difference being that buses depart at 10 past the hour as opposed to on the hour, no doubt to allow students to make the departures from lectures which generally finish just before the hour. Hopefully, custom will improve on the route given this ammendment.

Donnybrook's GT6 is seen alongside SG42, operating Routes 44 and 104 respectively, at the DCU terminus on the 3rd April 2015.

Due to the size limitations of Shanard Avenue, the routing of the 104 towards DCU differs depending on direction. Towards DCU, the buses follow the previous routing to the former terminus on Shanard Road, then turn right onto Shanard Avenue, left onto Shanliss Road, left again onto Ballymun Road, Collins Avenue extension, before turning right at the main DCU entrance, right at the roundabout to terminate at the rear of the Helix. On return, the 104 performs a u-turn at a roundabout further past the Helix, and exits DCU the way it came in onto Collins Avenue Externsion. It turns right onto Shanard Avenue, and then right again onto Shanliss Road to rejoin its former routing. Interestingly, there are a number of stops which the 104 does not serve, for example the Ballymun Road stop, the decommissioned stop on Collins Avenue Extension just after the left turn from Ballymun Road, and also in the opposite direction, the decommissioned stop just after Albert College Park on Collins Avenue Extension.

SG42 is seen exiting DCU on Route 104 on the 3rd April 2015.

N.B. This website is not affiliated with Dublin Bus. The information contained herein is intended for enthusiast reference. For all current timetable and route information please refer to the official Dublin Bus Website.